City leaders urge calm after looting, riots, assess how to aid ...
Minneapolis Mayor and Police Chief

Probably the worst Public Relations fiasco in recent times. Minneapolis officials call a press conference and say that it isn’t nice to burn and loot just because you’re a little pissed off. And then fail to say anything about whether there will be charges brought against the killer cops.

And on top of that they release body cam footage that is a major insult to the public. It is so redacted with big black squares you can’t tell what the hell it shows. Haven’t seen anything like that since Attorney General Barr released the redacted Special Prosecutor Report.

How long will the public stand for these authoritarian pipsqueaks covering up their lethal incompetence from the White House to Minniehaha? Maybe the game is to piss everybody off so bad that they go mad with rage and destroy the city, giving the authorities the green light not only to take it out on the demonstrators but also take the heat off the criminal cops.

Whatever the motivation, today’s actions by the mayor and police chief will bring drastic repercussions. It’ll be a terrible weekend in Minneapolis.